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PKC-mediated RhoGDI interaction with p75NTR JUX domain


Open Postdoctoral Position: Molecular / Cellular Neurobiologists

UPDATE September 2019: The position has been filled. 

We are seeking talented and enthusiastic researchers with expertise in molecular and cellular neuroscience to advance investigations on the functions and mechanisms of growth factor receptor signaling and physiology in the nervous system. The research entails studies of different receptor systems in neuronal and nervous system function using molecular methods, cell culture models and mutant mice carrying specific mutations in these receptors.

Candidates will be accepted at the postdoctoral level with a PhD awarded preferably within the last 3 years. Strong and documented expertise in molecular, cellular and histological methods of analysis as applied to studies of mouse models in the area of neuroscience is an absolute requirement for consideration. Successful applicants shall be well versed in mouse brain neuroanatomy and physiology. Expertise in analysis of mouse behavior will be an additional advantage. The successful candidate is expected to be sufficiently independent to formulate questions, design experiments and perform research. For more information and publications, please look HERE in our lab website.

Applications, including CV, list of publications and statement of research interests should be sent through the job web page of Karolinska Institute: Applicants should arrange to have at least two confidential letters of reference sent independently by referees to that email address.

Deadline for application is 15 September 2019.

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