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PKC-mediated RhoGDI interaction with p75NTR JUX domain


Thomas Ringstedt

“Neurothrophins during development : Overexpression in neural stem cells”
5 June, 1998

Abstract from KI website

External examiner:
Gary R. Lewin
Max-Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine
Berlin, Germany

This thesis is based on the following papers:

I. Ringstedt, T., Lagercrantz, H., Persson, H. (1993) Expression of members of the trk family in the developing postnatal rat brain. Dev. Brain Res. 72, 119-131. [PubMed]

II. Ringstedt, T., Linnarsson, S., Wagner, J., Lendahl, U., Kokaia, Z., Arenas, E., Ernfors, P., and Ibanez, C. F. (1998). BDNF regulates reelin expression and cajal-retzius cell development in the cerebral cortex. Manuscript. Later published in 1998, Neuron 21, 305-315. [PDF]

III. Ringstedt, T., Kucera, J., Lendahl, U., Ernfors, P., and Ibanez, C. F. (1997). Limb proprioceptive deficits without neuronal loss in transgenic mice overexpressing neurotrophin-3 in the developing nervous system. Development 124, 2603-2613. [PDF]

IV. Ringstedt, T., Ibanez, C. F., and Nosrat, C. (1998). Role of BDNF in target invasion in the gustatory system. Manuscript. Later published in 1999, J. Neurosci. 19, 3507-3518. [PDF]

V. Ringstedt, T., Tang, L.Q., Persson, H., Lendahl, U., Lagercrantz, H. (1995) Expression of c-fos, tyrosine hydroxylase, and neuropeptide mRNA in the rat brain around birth: effects of hypoxia and hypothermia. Pediatr Res. 1995 Jan;37(1):15-20. [PubMed]

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