Open positions

PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and lab technicians are being recruited for the new laboratories at Peking University and Chinese Institute For Brain Research.

Work in the unit will focus on understanding the functions and signaling mechanisms of neuronal growth factors and their receptors in neuronal function and connectivity, neurodegeneration and in metabolic regulation, for the development of better therapies to diseases of the nervous system and metabolic disorders.

Candidates with expertise in cellular, molecular or structural biology, drug development, neurobiology, metabolism, adipose tissue and mouse genetics are encouraged to apply.

Applications, including CV, list of publications and statement of research interests should be sent by email to Prof. Carlos Ibanez: Email Applicants should arrange to have at least two confidential letters of reference sent independently by referees to this email address.

Carlos Ibanez launches twin laboratories at Peking University and Chinese Institute for Brain Research

Starting in January 2020, new laboratories dedicated to studies of growth factor receptor signaling and physiology will be established at the McGovern Institute of the School of Life Sciences in Peking University, and the Chinese Institute for Brain Research in Beijing, China. The research activities of the PKU and CIBR labs will run in parallel to and complement with those ongoing at the laboratories in Karolinska Institute and National University of Singapore. The initial focus of the Beijing labs will be on studies of death receptor signaling in neurodegeneation, metabolic regulation by activin receptors, control of brain microvasculature integrity and function by neurotrophin receptors, and a drug discovery program targeted to these receptors. PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and lab technicians are being recruited for the new Beijing laboratories. For details and how to apply, visit the Open Positions page.