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Articles from Carlos Ibanez PhD

Antigenic determinants of Trypanosoma cruzi defined by cloning of parasite DNA
Ibanez, C.F., Affranchino, J.L. and Frasch, A.C.C. (1987)
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 25: 175-184 [PDF]

Multiple Trypanosoma cruzi antigens containing tandemly repeated amino acid motifs
Ibanez, C.F.
, Affranchino, J.L., Macina, R.A., Reyes, M.B., Leguizamon, S., Camargo, M., Aslund, L., Petterson, U. and Frasch, A.C.C. (1988)
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 30: 27-34 [PDF]

Identification of a Trypanosoma cruzi antigen that is shed during the acute phase of Chagas’ disease
Affranchino, J.L., Ibanez, C.F., Luquetti, A.O., Rassi, A., Reyes, M.B., Macina, R.A., Aslund, L., Petterson, U. and Frasch, A.C.C. (1989)
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 34: 221-228 [PDF]