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PKC-mediated RhoGDI interaction with p75NTR JUX domain


Lab retreat December 15-16 at Sigtuna Stiftelsen

Our group will be heading to the charming old town of Sigtuna for a 2-day lab retreat on December 15-16. We will be hosted by the Sigtuna Stiftelsen, originally founded as a forum for spiritual development, today functioning as a conference center. From its statutes, it can be read that “the Sigtuna Foundation, which begins its actual operations in 1917, has as its mission to support and prepare a home for volunteer work for the Lutheran faith and religious education in our country”. We will see about that. Our plan is to have each member of our group making a presentation on a free topic, with a connection to science. And there will be a hike and picnic in the forest, weather permitting. We are looking forward to an exciting and stimulating couple of days. Watch this space for more.