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Thesis nailing

PhD student Carolyn Marks nailed her thesis at the KI library this week. Tradition obliges, and the golden nail went into the wooden slab one more time.

The event marks the final count-down for her thesis defense, to take place on December 7. Attracted by the prospect of champagne and refreshments, fellow lab mates joined in for the occassion.

Photograph by postdoc fellow Tingqing Guo.

PhD student Carolyn Marks to defend doctoral thesis in December

PhD student Carolyn Marks is set to defend her thesis, entitled “Regulatory mechanisms in olfactory system assembly and function”, on December 7, 2012. Her external examiner will be Professor Charles Greer from Yale University. Faculty members in the thesis committee will be Professors Ole Kiehn (KI), Jonas Muhr (KI), Tibor Harkany (KI) and Anders Lansner (KTH). Watch this space for updates on thesis nailing and other rituals.

Thesis nailing

PhD student Maurice Parrinjaquet nailed his thesis at the KI library. Traditional hammer in hand, Maurice hammered the golden nail on the wooden slab from which all recent theses of the institute hang unassumingly.

The emotive event marked the start of the final count-down for his thesis defense, to take place on December 16. Attracted by the prospect of champagne and refreshments, fellow lab mates joined in for the occassion.

Photograph by postdoc fellow Tingqing Guo.

PhD student Maurice Perrinjaquet to defend his thesis in December

PhD student Maurice Perrinjaquet is set to defend his thesis, entitled “Control of neuronal survival, migration and outgrowth by GDNF and its receptors”, on December 16, 2010. His external examiner will be Professor Rosalind Segal from Harvard Medical School. Faculty members of his thesis committee will be Professors Piergiorgio Percipalle (KI), Ulf Eriksson (KI) and Finn Hallbook (Uppsala University). Watch this space for more information.

Dan's dissertation party

Stora Skuggan Wardshus, Stockholm
May 22, 2008

Here is Dan with external examiner Rudiger Klein taking revenge. Click on thumbnail for more images.