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PKC-mediated RhoGDI interaction with p75NTR JUX domain


Photographs from Neurotrophic Factors GRC 2011 now available

Photographs taken during the GRC 2011 conference are now available for viewing at the Conferences Photo Gallery HERE. Watch speakers, discussion leaders and other participants enjoy 5 days of cutting edge science among cliff walks and seafood delicacies at the beautiful setting of Newport in the Rhode Island coast.

Gordon Research Conference on Neurotrophic Factors chaired by Carlos Ibanez to kick-off in Newport, Rhode Island, June 5

The 10th edition of the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) devoted to Neurotrophic Factors will take place at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island, June 5-10, 2011. Carlos Ibanez, who was vice-chair in 2009, will chair the 2011 conference alongisde Rosalind Segal from Harvard University as vice-chair. This GRC is the most important forum showcasing cuting-edge developments in neurotrophic factor research. The 2011 edition will gather a mix of new and old comers and cover all aspects of neurotrophic factor research, from structure and signal transduction to functions in development, neuronal plasticity and disease. For program information and registration visit the conference website HERE. Registration closes May 8, 2011.