The closure meeting of the ENDOCYTE Research and Training Network sponsored by EU’s FP6 took place at Porto Carras, Halkidiki, Greece, on August 22-25, 2010. In addition to presentations by selected fellows and PIs from the Endocyte network, an outstanding group of invited guest speakers included Casper Hoogenraad, Marta Miaczynska, Blagoy Blagoev, Leif Dehmelt, Eleanor Coffey, Carsten Schultz and former lab fellow Ioannis Charalampopoulos. A selection of photographs taken during the meeting is now available. Check out the Photo Galleries link in the left for more Endocyte photographs. For access to the Endocyte web site click HERE.

Porto Carras, Halkidiki, Greece
August 22-25, 2010
The closure meeting of the ENDOCYTE Research and Training Network funded by EU’s FP6 took place in Porto Carras, Halkidiki, Greece. Invited guests were Casper Hoogenraad, Marta Miaczynska, Blagoy Blagoev, Leif Dehmelt, Eleanor Coffey, Carsten Schultz and former lab fellow Ioannis Charalampopoulos. Additional talks from Endocyte PIs included Philippe Bastiaens, Isabel Guerrero and Ivan Dikic. Endocyte fellows speaking at the meetings were Anastasia Simi, Julie Deuquet, Stefano Rizzo and Anna Kuta.
Perfectly organized by lab and Endocyte fellow Anastasia Simi in one of the most beautiful spots of the Mediterrranean. Click on thumbnail for more images.
The ENDOCYTE Research and Training network finishes off with a mini-conference in Porto Carras, Northern Greece, on August 22-25, organized by postdoc fellow Anastasia Simi. The preliminary program includes talks from Philippe Bastiaens, Isabel Guerrero, Ivan Dikic, Harald Stenmark, Anastasia Simi, Ioannis Charalampopoulos, Casper Hoogenraad, Marta Miaczynska, Blagoy Blagoev, Leif Dehmelt, Eleanor Coffey, Carsten Schultz and fellows from the ENDOCYTE network. More to come!

Tel-Aviv, Israel
September 2-3, 2008
Midterm review meeting of the ENDOCYTE Research and Training Network funded by EU’s FP6.
Nicely hosted by Mike Fainzilber and his team. Click on thumbnail for more images.