Convergent dopamine and ALK4 signaling to PCBP1 controls FosB alternative splicing and cocaine behavioral sensitization
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Adult medial habenula neurons require GDNF receptor GFRα1 for synaptic stability and function
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ALK4 coordinates extracellular and intrinsic signals to regulate development of cortical somatostatin interneurons
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MAG induces apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons through p75NTR demarcating granule layer/white matter boundary
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The p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Is an Essential Mediator of Impairments in Hippocampal-Dependent Associative Plasticity and Memory Induced by Sleep Deprivation
A Small Molecule Targeting the Transmembrane Domain of Death Receptor p75NTR Induces Melanoma Cell Death and Reduces Tumor Growth
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Cell-autonomous role of GFRα1 in the development of olfactory bulb GABAergic interneurons
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Compromised Survival of Cerebellar Molecular Layer Interneurons Lacking GDNF Receptors GFRα1 or RET Impairs Normal Cerebellar Motor Learning
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GFRα1 Regulates Purkinje Cell Migration by Counteracting NCAM Function
Thalamo-cortical axons regulate the radial dispersion of neocortical GABAergic interneurons
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Death Domain Signaling by Disulfide-Linked Dimers of the p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Mediates Neuronal Death in the CNS
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Neuron-type-specific signaling by the p75NTR death receptor regulated by differential proteolytic cleavage Annalisa Vicario, Lilian Kisiswa, Jason Y. Tann, Claire E. Kelly and Carlos F. Ibanez (2015) J. Cell Sci. 2015, 128, 1507-1517 Click on thumbnail to display PDF
Genetic dissection of neurotrophin signaling through the p75 neurotrophin receptor Charalampopoulos, I, Vicario, A, Pediaditakis, I ,Gravanis, A, Simi, A and Ibanez, CF (2012) Cell Reports, 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.11.009
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Critical role of GFRa1 in the development and function of the main olfactory system Marks, C., Belluscio, L. and Ibanez, C.F. (2012) J. Neurosci., 32, 17306-17320
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p75 neurotrophin receptor signaling in nervous system injury and degeneration: paradox and opportunity Ibanez, C.F. and Simi, A. (2012) Trends Neurosci., 35, 431–440
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MET signaling in GABAergic neuronal precursors of the medial ganglionic eminence restricts GDNF activity in cells that express GFRa1 and a new transmembrane receptor partner Perrinjaquet, M., Sjostrand, S., Moliner, A., Zechel, S., Lamballe, F., Maina, F. and Ibanez, C.F. (2011) J. Cell Sci. 124, 2797-2805
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Regionalized loss of parvalbumin interneurons in the cerebral cortex of mice with deficits in GFRa1 signaling Canty, A.J., Dietze, J., Harvey, M., Enomoto, H., Milbrandt, J. and Ibanez, C.F. (2009) J. Neurosci. 29, 10695-10705
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Ligand-independent signaling by disulfide- crosslinked dimers of the p75 neurotrophin receptor Vilar, M., Charalampopoulos, I., Kenchappa, R.S., Reversi, A., Klos-Applequist, J., Karaca, E., Simi, A., Spuch, C., Choi, S., Friedman, W.J., Ericson, J., Schiavo, G., Carter, B.D. and Ibanez, C.F. (2009) J. Cell Sci, 122, 3351-3357
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Activation of the p75 neurotrophin receptor through conformational rearrangement of disulphide-linked receptor dimers Vilar, M., Charalampopoulos, I., Kenchappa, R.S., Simi, A., Karaca, E., Reversi, A., Choi, S., Bothwell, M., Mingarro, I., Friedman, W.J., Schiavo, G., Bastiaens, P.I.H., Verveer, P.J., Carter, B.D. and Ibanez, C.F. (2009) Neuron, 62, 72-83
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Catecholaminergic neuron survival: Getting hooked on GDNF Ibanez, C.F. (2008) Nat. Neurosci., 11, 735-736
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Insights into GFRa1 Regulation of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM) Function from Structure-Function Analysis of the NCAM/GFRa1 Receptor
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Disruption of EphA/ephrin-A signaling in the nigro-striatal system reduces dopaminergic innervation and dissociates behavioral responses to amphetamine and cocaine
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Jekyll-Hyde neurotrophins: the story of proNGF Ibanez, C.F. (2002) Trends Neurosci, 25, 284-286
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